Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Hanging Head in Shame

I forgot to mention, I have done no exercise in over a week :(

I am completely rubbish and need to get my bum into gear again because I had lost an inch off my hips and waist and that should be a big incentive, self motivation is hard.

I need to confess as well that I ate McDonald's and KFC on Sunday, I had a hangover and Aaron made me.

*Going to hide in the corner now*


I apologise for being MIA for what feels like forever, I could lie and say I've been busy but in actual fact I completely forgot about my blog, it's okay, I have told myself off!

So clearly as I've been away for a while I should be full of exciting tales no? No. Unfortunately all I've really been doing is stressing about an exam I've got to take for work in a couple of weeks, my poor brain needs a break!

To rectify this I will be getting nicely drunk with the girls this weekend (The Purple Rain cocktail ingredients are residing in my fridge!)

I've also made an executive decision to re-start my dring lessons. It always makes me slightly ashamed when I admit that at 24, I can't actually drive.

The sad thing is I have probably had over 100 driving lessons, passed (and let expire) my theory test and feel like a very confident driver already. Unfortunately they won't give me a license based on that so I have re-ordered the practice theory test DVD and found a driving instructor and will be on it shortly!

The boy has very romantically offered to pay for some driving lessons for our 5th anniversary (a hint perhaps that he is fed up of constantly driving?!)

I will keep you updated and I will even be honest about failing my theory test (which will happen).

You heard it first, I WILL be driving by Christmas!

Friday, 16 July 2010

Sand Castle Berry

I have received two marvelous text messages from Aaron today....

"Love you baby my little monkey whistle sand castle berry. I have 1 word for you meow! xxx"

followed by.....

"My camel just did a back flip onto its lady humps and can't fly because its wings have tiny holes which ruins the aviation of it. Melon tree hammock house train xxx"

No, I don't know how his brain works. I believe he was trying to make me smile on this miserable afternoon and he succeeded in making me laugh out loud.

Life with the boy is never dull!

Happy Weekend! x

Thursday, 15 July 2010

The weekend is in sight....


Well I have now completed day three of the Shred, I do not appear to have lost a stone yet so I'm slightly disapointed BUT my legs are working slightly more normally now which is a huge positive. I fell down stairs the other day because I couldn't bend properly which Aaron found highly amusing. He also commented that he didn't realise that I was made of wood. Funny is Aaron.

Today I've been speaking with my wedding venue, checking that I'm allowed a photo booth and casino tables and other things we probably won't be able to afford but that I want. A lot!!

And speaking of venues here, here is mine....

Stunning isn't she?! I wish our wedding wasn't a million billion years away!

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Jillian Michaels is the Devil**


I mean all day MAJOR ouch. Some weird muscle in my back hurts.

I think the 30 day shred was designed to make unfit people feel relatively horrible about themselves, I knew I was unfit but the first time in my life I had beads of sweat dripping down my forehead (sexy I know).

Things I learnt about myself whilst doing day 1 of level 1:

1. I can't do 30 star jumps without needing a break somewhere along the line
2. I can't jump up and down without sounding like an elephant
3. I can't do push ups of any kind including the modified ones demonstrated by the "lower level" girl (who was the skinniest of all 3)

Still I am determined, I shall go home and make an arse out of myself yet again because so help me god I will be trying on beautiful wedding dresses at least 3 dress sizes smaller than I am now.

The boy is helping, after he left for football I received a very sweet if not slightly patronising text "Well done for doing your work out thing tonight honey, hard to get motivated I know". This from the man who has not a spare ounce of fat on him.

Hopefully I will be able to lift my arms to type tomorrow so I will update on whether I'm alive!

Christie x

**I'd just like to point out that although my hatred for Jillian Michaels is strong right now I'm fairly sure that she isn't actually the devil, just in case the suggestion offends anyone!

Monday, 12 July 2010

30 Day Shred (Of Doom)

Oooh ooh I almost forgot to mention that today is the first day of properly following Weight Watchers (not just making meal plans and not sticking to them).

I am also going to attempt this 30 day shred thing so I'll be updating on that, my physical fitness is, well shocking so it could be amusing!

Christie x

I don't like Monday's

Ahh Monday, oh how I hate thee.

I wonder why Monday is such a rubbish day? If I had decided to stay in bed today (which was tempting) tomorrow would have been just as crappy. But still, here we are, avoiding work!

Did everyone have a lovely jubbly weekend?! Went too fast as always. The boy and I had a very domesticated day yesterday, food shopping, gardening, trying to make our spare room stop looking like a storage facility... t'was all good fun but very tiring!

And then there was the world cup final, I admit I was backing Spain. Az and I have spent a whole lot of time in Spain in the last five years (we are very lucky that his parents own an apartment in beautiful La Manga) and it is also where we got engaged. The people are lovely and it feels like our second home so it was only right really. Also, I was disappointed with how Holland behaved, you lost. Accept it graciously without getting abusive with the referee. He didn't stop you scoring!

I have been looking into doing some kind of degree for a while, well some sort of qualifications to give me a career path instead of just a job and I think I've decided today that I'm going to work towards a BA in Criminology and Psychological Studies. It's something that really interests me and can open up a wide variety of jobs such as Criminal Psychologist which I would pretty much love to do.

It does mean having less money for the wedding budget though but I can spread it out over years as there's 6 courses that make up the degree.

I'm not sure yet, it really is about looking at my options. What I do know though is for the first time in a long time I feel excited about doing something with my life instead of just floating along.

Sorry for turning this into an essay but my brain's all full up today! :)

Friday, 9 July 2010

Bad Blogger

Afternoon cyber peeps!

I'm sorry I'm rubbish, it's a pretty poor showing to start a blog and then not write anything, I will do better in the future.

In my defence it has been a truly bad week, in fact there are no words to describe how stressed I've been but thankfully it is Friday and I can take comfort in the fact that I can now remove one portion of stress (work) and enjoy some chill time!

My new find this week is Milky Bar Moments, has anyone else discovered these? They're like minstrels with white chocolate, I stole the rest of Aaron's this morning to bring to work and now I feel sick, Karma and such!

I was also led to believe that today would be the hottest day of the year, I was busy contemplating BBQ's and other lovely things to do in the hot when I realised that actually, it is not that hot and it is quite cloudy. Is this the same all over England or are we being punished here in Birmingham?!

Have a lovely weekend all, I will be better next week, Brownie promise! xx

Friday, 2 July 2010

1st Blog post

Well hi! :)

This blog is going to be a little place for me to ramble, I'm not expecting anyone else to see it and I'm very okay with that I just thought it'd be fun to have something to write everyday!

I've also just started planning my wedding which is forever and ever and ever away so if I can write about it here it means that I might have some friends left by the time the day comes along and my fiance might still want to marry me!

Anyhoo I haven't got much exciting to say today, I have just enjoyed a Crabbie's at the pub and my brain has gone into summer daydream so I will wish you all a happy weekend and bore you next week instead!

Christie xx